Medical Information on Club Feet
A Spanish doctor named Ignocio Ponseti in 1940 discovered a new method to cure clubfoot, which he calls The Ponseti Method. The Ponseti method is a non-surgical procedure that is now very common within the United States.
The Ponseti Method is a procedure where the doctor gradually manipulates the foot or feet to the right side. The doctor then over a couple of weeks puts a special brace, which is a pair of shoes, connected by a straight metal rod on the baby’s feet. This is mostly worn during naptime or at night so that the babies don’t move around and accidentally hurt their selves.
The Ponseti Method is usually started when the baby is just a couple of weeks old. The doctor then controls the baby’s foot and places the foot into a plaster cast. The cast is then removed once a week until the foot is straightened, which usually takes up to eight weeks. When the plaster is removed from the baby’s foot, the doctor then controls the foot and if necessary, put back into a plaster cast. As the plaster is removed from the foot every week you can see a difference in the foot.
According to, “using the Ponseti Method, the tendons in the feet becomes stretched allowing for more flexibility. After the series of plaster casts, a simple procedure called a "Tanotamy" is done.” The "Tanotamy" procedure is when the doctor snips a tendon at the back of the heel of the clubbed foot. This procedure only takes a few minutes to be done. This tiny procedure leaves no scaring and no problems afterwards.
Since the Ponseti method is one of the safest and reliable procedures there is for clubfoot today, I would advise parents to use this method over the other methods out there. Attached is a link called A Parent’s Guide To: Clubfoot- The Ponseti Method. I provided this video for you to watch because I wanted you to see how well the Ponseti Method actually works without putting your child through surgery. This video provides information from why parents chose this method, from what they went through to the before and after math of their child’s journey of overcoming ClubFoot.
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